You play OFF at my house while I do whatever I want. - f4f

This may or may not be a sex ad. I don't know. it's not important. What is important is that I need a young woman, between 18 and 29, to get over here
and spend many hours of her time playing OFF on my Wii, because it's brilliant, and no titties they ever suck will ever be as important nor pleasurable as playing OFF. I am offering you the chance to improve your life,
at no cost to you aside from some of your time. (it won't be that long, since OFF is around 3 hours long)
and you simply MUST see the ending. It is a deliciously demented mental orgasm.

You must be at least 18 because OFF is an M rated game featuring violence and adult themes.You must be no older than 29 because OFF is the voice of our generation,
and the surrealistic existential atmosphere and message intersped with shallow and unthoughtful but engaging cutscenes disguised as battles will surely not resonate with middle-aged audiences outside of Belgium, Switzerland and France. You must be a woman because uhhhhhhhh sex.

Remember that you are not coming here for me. You are here to play OFF, and only to play OFF, and you must not let me distract you from OFF. It is a singleplayer game so I will not be playing it with you unless you get stuck on the shitty puzzles.
I might watch you. I might fuck you, I might take a shower with the door open. I might play a different videogame or read a book. I might leave my house and go get something to eat. Don't expect anything out of this other than to be amazed by OFF.

If you seem awkward or unwilling to fully immerse yourself in Mortis Ghost's sorrowful and surrealist post-modern magnum opus, I will turn you away. Serious replies ONLY.